
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

birthday and graduation

Happy 23rd birthday to my sister Stacia!!
(she is the little bunny in the picture touching her bunny nose.)
i am sad that we can't be together today, but i get to see her next week because me and the bunny are leaving kentucky and georgia for a trip home to mn together! it will be an in between both of our birthdays present/ friend's wedding/mothers day/fun.

And also congratulations to my brother Ryan the dalmation!! this week he is graduating from ecola bible college. my parents went out to oregon to be there. i am so proud of him!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

mint green

i started crocheting a mint green short sleeved sweater the other night. this is my first sweater, so i will see how it turns out.

and my garden is still bloomy, so that is good.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

how i do

In the past couple days i started working on another doily. i haven't crocheted much lately, and doing it again reminded me of why i like it. so much.

and i have started being a very good gardener.
i usually do not do very well with plants. i've had an african violet for more than a year. and it had one flower one time.
but i think things are changing, i have a flower box with pansies that are alive and flowery. so today i added a geranium and a dahlia.

and i have been going to thrift stores and trying to find other flowery things.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

bows and books

it has been so warm. too warm.
today i am going to eat a blondie for breakfast. and then later we are taking the little pig to the vet.
also when it starts to get hot out, it makes me think of summer, which makes me think of reading. and i love to read. i've been going through a lot of books from when i was younger, and i lately remembered the betsy tacy books! my mom read them to stacia and me. they are delicious.

next on the list is the little house on the prairie series. and some louisa may alcott. and anne of green gables.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


this easter was really nice. we stayed home most of the day and ate sour patch watermelons. and then went to our night church to celebrate. i wore an easter dress that i got at the thrift store by our house.

and i took a picture with easter fig.

and we went to see the easter gazebo.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

today i played with some old clip on earings from my mom, and i ate delicious lemon bars that she sent me in my easter basket. i daydream and real dream about food that i really want to eat, and i had been dreaming about lemon bars lately. and they showed up on my doorstep the other day! it was a miricle.