
Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas!

we are happy that it's christmas!

i hope you have a very merry christmas.
(til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth)

Monday, December 20, 2010

christmas week

we are on vacation at home in minnesota! we drove all the way, through rain, fog, ice and snow. it took a long long time, but we finally made it.  and now it's time for christmas fun.

such as eating lots of christmas treats,

fig's first time in the christmas snow,

working on homemade christmas presents,

and doing christmasy crafts with my sister and cousin.

happy christmas week!

Friday, December 10, 2010

tiny winter scenes

 little winter scenes! they are so easy and cute. and this year i made some teeny tiny ones. 

i used small tumbler and shot glasses from the thrift store, (or no glass at all), little toys, felt, fluff, yarn, and pipe cleaners wound around my finger to make the trees. put them all together with hot glue, and bam. little christmas scene that i wish i was small enough to live in.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

phones want to be cozy too

i made this hedgehog cozy last week so my phone will keep warm.
i've been working on lots of little things like this cozy, and christmasy crafts. and i got a cookie press that i'm excited to try on some spritz cookies.  so i will be taking lots of pictures this week i'm sure. and watching lots of christmas movies! last night it was the santa clause and the shop around the corner, which i think i will watch again today. i love the feather snow and tinselly decorations in black and white. and rudy of course. he's my fave.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010