
Monday, September 26, 2011


this weekend i stayed home. fabric was sewn. and yarn was crocheted.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

blackberry picking

yesterday we went blackberry picking just outside of town. it was the first time i'd ever been berry picking, and it was fun and delicious work! and also painful! blackberry bushes are very viney with lots and lots of thorns, that are always trying to grab you and scratch you all over.
we picked approximately a million berries, and plan to make a couple pies and some scones from this recipe, and just eat some plain and as toppings for yogurt and icecream too.

on a sewing sidenote: i took in this old dress for the occasion. it's a vintage dress i've had for quite a while, (and i didn't get a before picture), but i just took up the waist, and the hem. so now i have the blackberry dress to add to my list of sewing accomplishments!

 fig trying to keep still, so as not to get stabbed by all the thorns everywhere.

 mike and his favorite georgia bucket full of berries. ready to go home.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

what i put on my skin

 i've been so inspired by other blog ladies posting about the skin care products and makeup they use, so i thought i would do a post about the things i like to use for my skin. (and maybe a part 2 for makeup, soon)
i try to use as many natural homemade (and cheap!) products as i can.

 honey soap: i love natural soaps for face and body wash, and honey is amazing! it has antibacterial, antioxidant, and moisturizing properties.  (price: free! made by my sister)
apple cider vinegar: i started using this as toner, after reading this post by vanessa, of the velvet bird. i like using either this vinegar, or witch hazel. (price: $4.45 from here)
coconut oil: i use this as a moisturizer. it's really good for your skin, not to mention your whole body. and it smells very delicious. (price: $12.76 from here, and one jar will last forever)
boots brand expert anti-blemish night moisturizer: at night i like to add on some of this moisturizer along with my regular coconut oil. the boots expert line isn't all natural, but has some natural ingredients and is a good price. this moisturizer has willow bark and aloe in it. (price: $5 from target)
boots brand expert sensitive hydrating eye cream: i also use this eye cream, the skin around my eyes gets super dry, and it works well for me. (price: $7 from target)

baking soda: as a facial scrub! it works really great, and is so so cheap. (price: around $1-$2 from the grocery store)

what skin care products do you use? i love finding out about any new beauty secrets!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

moving in

things i like about getting moved in:

fresh painted side table, and bed on the floor for now.

getting to use my dishes again.

setting up shelves for my craft room.

starting to work on new projects.

unpacking books. in rainbow coordination of course.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

mt shasta

we are here! last night we took a break from unpacking and went on a supper picnic. and i wore my crochet top!  the sun goes down so fast behind the mountains, so it was a quick picnic. i can feel fall coming already.and i like it.


Monday, September 5, 2011

summer phone pictures

happy end of the summer! i'm a bit sad that it's over..

 the fair


 the thrift store added a 'wedding patterns' section

 june peonies from my grandma's garden

 veggie sandwich on thrift store plate

fig helping sew

 making cake pops every week for the farmers market

the pizza train!

ps, we are now moved into our apartment here in northern california, and have been busy unpacking. i'm looking forward to posting pictures of our new life in the mountains!