
Friday, April 13, 2012

pippa crown by manzanita

spring is the perfect time for crowns!  Rebecca from Manzanita and i did a little crown swap, and she sent me this pretty pale pink Pippa crown. (she's catching up on orders right now,but soon it will be available in her shop.)  i love how delicate and sweet it is. Rebecca makes the most beautiful crochet accessories, you can see a whole bunch of them here.
today also happens to be the first birthday of Rebecca's blog, (one of my favorites, full of craft diy's, outfit posts, and of course crochet) , and you should stop over there and wish Manzanita a happy birthday!

Monday, April 2, 2012


here's a little snippet of the weekend.   i went to fabrika in savannah and got this red riding hood fabric.i'm so excited for it to turn into a dress! i also cut out fabric for three other dresses. i found this to be easier to do when mike is home, so he can hold fig. i have to lay out the fabric on the floor, and she always wants to come and lay on top of it and tries to eat the pins.
i also read some in one of my favorite books. my mom read it to us when we were little, and i was really happy to learn that it's actually the first in a series. so i got the rest on my kindle all ready to go.
and lastly, this weekend we ate lots of guacamole!