
Sunday, November 25, 2012

cyber monday

I'm having a 15% off sale in my shop starting at midnight for cyber monday.  it's the perfect time to save some money on your Christmas shopping and support all the great handmade shops out there!


happy thanksgiving weekend! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

shop update and instagram

hello! i just added this scarf to my shop. it's super chunky and warm, and covered in dots. which i think is very appropriate. 

i also just got instagram, if any of you care to take a look and follow me! @ peoplewebs

Thursday, November 1, 2012


 this year i dressed as marie antoinette and fig was her royal pug. Fig's favorite thing to dress as (like last year) is a pug.

this was also my favorite thing to dress as, especially this morning when i woke up with my hair looking like albert einstein. it was like a double costume surprise.