
Monday, January 7, 2013


After putting away the Christmas decorations i always want to organize things and decorate around the apartment,

new year, new giant calendar!

My mom gave me her milk glass collection, and i brought the first piece back with me.

 New Christmas book on the shelf.

Some old records of my dad's that i brought back from the trip.

lots of clean laundry to put away.

And a little show and tell of a few more Christmas presents,
instax mini!

 colorful children's books

 cute little black apple notebook

more pretty tapes

my sister painted this mini portrait of Fig!

Friday, January 4, 2013

walk in the snow

On the last day of our winter holiday we took Fig and Merriweather for one last walk together. Lucky Fig even got to be off her leash. she liked to follow Merriweather like a duckling and Merriweather liked to run as fast as she could the whole way.
Early the next morning we flew back to Savannah. I was pretty sad to leave, but now for 2013 to start!

new year

Happy new year!
Here are a few more pictures from our trip......

a little bit of sledding at one of the family Christmas parties. None of us (except the kids) had been sledding in years, and it was the most fun ever. Despite a crash involving me and Mike squishing together onto one of those little saucer sleds that go way too fast..

followed by a little bit of not so successful cross country skiing. The last time i did this was in middle school gym class, and i was excited to go again.  We didn't end up lasting very long, being tired from sledding and all, but i'd love to go again next year.

And last, here is our new year's eve! we stayed in and ate chinese food and fell asleep right after the new year!