
Saturday, April 27, 2013


I like my kitchen! The chalkboard is up, I added a few new baskets and jars to organize things, and put my cookbooks out. It's bright and white and is a nice place to be in now.  This whole finally painting thing was a good idea.

Monday, April 15, 2013


It's me! 
 a few things going on around here lately:

It's spring! Ever since April started it's been warming up in Savannah.   I'm especially excited about this spring, because my family is coming to visit us at the end of the week! We try to do a family trip where my parents(and whoever else can make it) visit a different kid each year, and this year is Savannah's turn.  My dad has never been down here, and it will be fun to show them around. especially since they still have snow in MN!

 Crochet projects. I've been getting interested in tapestry crochet, and working on a little tutorial for a friend's blog.

 Always working on things in the is a new work lamp so i won't go blind,
and Mike has been painting the kitchen white. He also made a new chalkboard to put up in there. Now I will always have a place to write out shopping and grocery lists, and i really like the schoolhouse green color.

 And..sewing. I always get in the mood to sew in the spring.
I got a whole bunch of black and white prints..i just can't help it.

ps,  i added a blog lovin' button on the sidebar of my page if you are in to that sort of thing! >>>