Monday, April 15, 2013


It's me! 
 a few things going on around here lately:

It's spring! Ever since April started it's been warming up in Savannah.   I'm especially excited about this spring, because my family is coming to visit us at the end of the week! We try to do a family trip where my parents(and whoever else can make it) visit a different kid each year, and this year is Savannah's turn.  My dad has never been down here, and it will be fun to show them around. especially since they still have snow in MN!

 Crochet projects. I've been getting interested in tapestry crochet, and working on a little tutorial for a friend's blog.

 Always working on things in the is a new work lamp so i won't go blind,
and Mike has been painting the kitchen white. He also made a new chalkboard to put up in there. Now I will always have a place to write out shopping and grocery lists, and i really like the schoolhouse green color.

 And..sewing. I always get in the mood to sew in the spring.
I got a whole bunch of black and white prints..i just can't help it.

ps,  i added a blog lovin' button on the sidebar of my page if you are in to that sort of thing! >>>


  1. Oh if only it felt like spring here in Alberta! Still snow as well (and mud and puddles!) I love those crochet designs they look really pretty and your dress/fabric :O I love it so so much! I wish I was as talented as you…I should really get some lessons from my mom on how to sew whilst I'm still at home!
    I hope you have a lovely weekend showing off Savannah!

  2. I'm also in the mood to sew! Love the prints you picked out. And it really looks like Spring there! So good.

  3. Looks like you're having a busy and creative spring! Beautiful creations!~

  4. What fun! I always getting the hand making bug in the springtime too! IT's just a time for new, beautiful things to be made :)
    The hubs and I are in central Florida, and it is warming up here now too! Matt and I actually spend a lot of time in Savannah, it's the city of our hearts I think. Such an awesome place! WE are there about once a month. Please do share some of your favorite places if you don't mind...we are always up to try a new place (especially if it's food!) lol

    Places we have tried and loved:
    Bake in the Day Bakery, The Coffee Fox, Taco a-ba-jo , J. Christophers, Soho South Cafe, a little Thai place I can't remember the name of near Papilotte, Zunzi's ....always up for suggestions ! Oh, and if you care to share any good thrifts..that would be awesome! :)

  5. I absolutely love reading your blog. It brings a smile to my face when I see your homemade projects. You definitely put your heart into your clothing which is such a gift. I was just wondering if you had any great "Dress" patterns for sewing. I am not at the level where I can "wing it" but I love the style of the dresses you make. Your black and white prints might not be colourful, but they are definitely unique, fun and eye-popping. Thanks for the update. I hope you enjoy visiting with your family.
    - Molly
